When you laptop screen (LCD) create problem for you its symptoms like color difference, buzzing sound, or any problem it mean your whole display is broken. In this situation when you buy a new backlight keep following steps in mind.
Step 1:
Find the manual that came with your Toshiba laptop. This will give you the information on what type of backlight your Toshiba laptop needs. It will also give you the part number for the backlight. See while detail or get information form all around or you.
Step 2:
Visit Toshiba's website. That provide you all information that you needed. Click on the "customer support" link. This will take you to the "Customer Support" page where you can locate a Toshiba Repair Center near you by typing in the part number of the backlight you need. You will able to buy a new backlight there, or they can mail it to you. They will also install it, if you'd like. You have opportunity to see as may options as Toshiba provide.
Step 3:
Call local computer supply stores to see if they have the Toshiba backlight you need. The availability of the backlight will depend on the popularity of the Toshiba laptop you own mean if you have new model this accessories are easily avalible in market as compare to old model.
Step 4:
Search for cheaper backlights on eBay or online computer supply stores. Make sure to factor in shipping costs with the actual cost of the backlight. It would be wise to only buy from a site with a return policy in case the light doesn't work. You have many more options to buy new laptop but easy way by web site.