Toshiba laptops are best selling laptops in the world in 2010. Toshiba Qosmio X505-Q860 gaming laptop, which features a stunning, high-definition 18.4-inch display and the Intel Core i5 processor with dual-core processing power. Additionally, it offers ultra-fast DDR3 system memory and the NVIDIA GeForce GTS 360M graphics with 1 GB of GDDR5 video memory. Together, this pairing of high-performance technologies allow you to rip through the latest 3D games at lightning-fast frame-rates or create high-definition video and audio faster and more efficiently with smooth rendering and encoding. Bear in mind that the cheaper Toshiba Laptops are bursting with features aswell. They too are fast and have a build quality that matches many of their more expensive competitors hardware. Toshiba provides a number of features and technologies to enhance the quality and speed of laptops.